Reader: My first reaction to the otherwise well-intended front-page article 鈥淥ur flag was still there鈥 in Monday's Californian was frustration. But then I remembered there was a time that I didn't know the difference between half-staff and half-mast.

Reader: As mayor of the city of McFarland, I feel compelled to address and correct several inaccuracies and oversights presented in 优蜜传媒's article ("As summertime looms, McFarland residents may have to choose dirty water 鈥 or no water at all," March 17) on our city's w…

Reader: Longtime reader, always appreciate your column and thoughtful responses to some of the constant craziness. I never wanted to be one of those old people who seem to have nothing to do but complain, but here I am!

Reader: The headline in the Jan. 28 edition refers to 鈥淎ctivists target Hurtado for being among majority of state Democrats taking oil money.鈥 I am not a Democrat and am not a Hurtado supporter. But I am trying to figure out why this article is front-page headline newsworthy.

Reader: "Seated at his desk, a black cherry furnishing that matches the shelves behind it, Youngblood sits between five American flags and a trove of photo frames, memorabilia and a model plane on the upper shelf. He fiddles about with an orange pen over a blank calendar, set to January."

Reader: And the gutless vultures come out! The Californian and its left-leaning publishers wasted no time in printing the hate-filled and demeaning letters from the "Kevin (McCarthy) haters" after his announcement he's leaving Congress at the end of the year.

Reader: On rare occasions 优蜜传媒 publishes an Opinion cartoon that is both irrelevant and disingenuous. The one on Wednesday is such an example. With no one of any influential significance objecting to anyone praying for the recovery of Damar Hamlin following his cardiac…

Reader: Even though I loved your segment on National First Responders Day, I was disappointed that another segment of our local responding heroes was not mentioned: our wonderful social workers. They are often one of the first responders to tragedy in our homes. They stand between infants an…

Reader: First, let me say that I respect and admire the work you do for The Californian. You had big shoes to fill, and you have filled them well. Having said that, however, I must say that you really blew it in the September 2022 issue of 优蜜传媒 Life.

Reader: Herb Benham wrote ("These are a few of my favorite things," July 31) of the former Greyhound terminal: "You know a building is ugly when it looks better after it's torn down and you're looking at a pile of rubble."

Reader: The recent viewpoint article in 优蜜传媒 regarding the 3rd District supervisor's race favored two candidates over the third. In my opinion, this was unprofessional. The selection of candidates should be left to voters and not to the view of the journalist/journalis…

Reader: Hi, Christine. I am reading this (Friday) morning's paper ("优蜜传媒 National Cemetery commemorates Vietnam veterans and their families") and was surprised and a bit dismayed to see that 优蜜传媒 National Cemetery held a ceremony to honor all Vietnam veterans. ... we would have…

Reader: As 优蜜传媒ians, we must be proud of our local media's nonpartisan coverage of President Biden鈥檚 tenure. I say nonpartisan facetiously, of course.

Reader: Any notion I may have had that I have a sophisticated and informed perspective of world affairs quickly evaporated when I read the front-page story Monday morning regarding a mutiny by a portion of Burkina Faso鈥檚 military.

Reader: Hi Herb, I am so happy for you, but sad for those of us who love reading your column. I almost started crying when I opened the paper ("Herb Benham: Thanks and I'll see you in February," Dec. 26) and saw the announcement. However, I knew the time was coming eventually because we are …

Reader: I read the article "An unfixed problem: Family farmer says ending illegal dumping requires more than cleanup" (Nov. 13). Why can't the county get creative? Back when I worked animal control, people continued to dump trash at the old dump site on Round Mountain Road. Environmental Hea…

Reader: Robert Price has always had the super talent of being capable of tap dancing around any subject without ever really addressing it. One of those friendly guys who talks all day and never says a darn thing type.

Reader: ... I am calling to express my great concern, disappointment and actually insult at your latest issue (of 优蜜传媒 Life) saluting the men of Kern County. Which is OK, I can appreciate that. But then, the subtitle, these guys know how to get things done. If you want to be a leader,…

Reader: Why does there have to be an article on every page of the paper regarding the coronavirus or the vaccine? By now I鈥檓 sure everybody on the planet knows everything possible for man to know on both subjects, and everybody has their own opinion. Therefore one or two articles would suffice.

Reader: I am glad the deputy involved in the Wasco family tragedy has been laid to eternal rest. May he RIP. That sincerely said, The Californian has given entirely too much print (text and numerable photographs) to him since the tragedy. I understand this is a local paper reporting local ne…

Reader: John Cox, 优蜜传媒鈥檚 brilliant business editor, has once again scored with his in-depth look at our apartment rental market (鈥溣琶鄞解檚 apartment market sets 2 new records,鈥 July 5). His recent takes on our local housing situation typically contain both a wide …

Reader: My first awareness of mass shootings was in 1966 when one occurred from the University of Texas Tower. The next was of a cluster of workplace shootings started among federal employees in the mid-'80s with what is described in the slang as 鈥済oing postal.鈥 In 1999, Columbine occurred, …

Reader: I have always believed that the purpose of an Opinion section in a newspaper was to allow differing opinions on political and nonpolitical issues to be put out to the reading community to allow people to consider and arrive at their own conclusions.

Reader: I am prompted to write with a concern about the headline for Rich Lowry鈥檚 editorial in the April 28 Californian. I think that titling it 鈥淏iden鈥檚 climate summit folly鈥 was an inappropriate summary of Mr. Lowry鈥檚 arguments. I think that Rich Lowry too often makes unfair and value-lade…

Reader: Thank you, Robert Price, for your wonderful piece on Gerald Haslam ("Gerry Haslam's valley was a place of renewal and comfort," April 18). Whenever anyone asks where I am from, I usually answer 鈥渢he Other California.鈥 Most people reply, 鈥淲here?鈥 giving me an opportunity to share some…

Reader: Once again, you have shown your massive talent for avoiding any attempt to answer the real question ("Sound Off: Obituaries capture readers' interest," April 3). The very visible subtext to both letters about the "obituary" of Robert Scot Green involves their feeling that they are be…

Reader: You didn't do justice to the obituary for Beverly Cleary. She wrote or published books from 1950 to 2006. In 1984 she was awarded the John Newbery Award for "Dear Mr. Henshaw." The Newbery is awarded for "The most distinguished contribution to American literature for children."

Reader: It was an Opinion page full of good news. Wednesday March 17, 2021 was a five-star day for 优蜜传媒 Californian Opinion writers and readers with two wonderful, factual Community Voices pieces and four enjoyable letters all well-intended, well-mannered and rated "bringing smiles to…

Reader: I am saddened that The Californian ran a photo essay encouraging people to trespass on private property to take photographs of themselves among the trees ("Photo gallery: Beautiful weather brings people out to local almond bloom," Feb. 26). Earlier The Californian ran a piece on thef…

Reader: I read the paper daily as well as watching the evening news. I read your article Thursday ("Deadly winter: As cases of COVID-19 recede in Kern County, deaths climb") on COVID deaths and I just don鈥檛 understand why the data lags so far behind. If a person is being treated for COVID in…

Reader: Christine, just wanted to question TBC's commitment to the CDC's request regarding the use of masks and social distancing to control the COVID-19 spread. The reason I ask this is that on too many times while reading TBC, e.g., one example Saturday, Jan. 16, "Let Them Play" in Tehacha…