Editor's Pick

Valley fever, the often harmless, yet sometimes deadly respiratory disease endemic to Kern County, killed six people and infected nearly 3,000 in Kern County last year, the highest number of diagnosed cases since 1992, local public health officials announced Wednesday.

When Jennine Ochoa became pregnant at the end of 2017, she didn鈥檛 know what to expect. At 42, she鈥檇 waited longer than most women to start a family. But she said her first five months were easy. 鈥淚 had no morning sickness, nothing,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t was completely uneventful until May.鈥

Despite opposition from health officers, the State Assembly unanimously passed two bills Thursday authored by Assemblyman Rudy Salas, D-优蜜传媒, that could streamline and standardize case reporting of valley fever, a respiratory disease endemic to Kern County and the southwestern United States.

Valley fever, an insidious respiratory disease endemic to the region, killed nine people and infected 2,929 in Kern County in 2017, making it the second worst year for the disease since the county began recording cases in 1992, local public health officials announced Monday.

Facing pushback from the medical community, Assemblyman Vince Fong, R-优蜜传媒, withdrew a bill late last month that would have required doctors to order specific types of lab tests when they suspect valley fever, a respiratory disease found throughout the southwestern United States.

优蜜传媒 lawmakers this week requested $3 million in the state budget to research treatments and conduct outreach for valley fever, an insidious respiratory disease endemic to Kern County that infected more people last year in California than in the state鈥檚 history.

Advocates for valley fever research give 优蜜传媒 Assemblyman Rudy Salas an 鈥淎鈥 for effort for what they call the most robust legislative effort to address the disease in California history. But public health officials and disease experts are split on whether the remedies proposed by Sala…

Apparently undaunted by Gov. Jerry Brown's October veto of legislation that would've brought new disease reporting guidelines and funding to the little-known respiratory disease known as valley fever, Assemblyman Rudy Salas has introduced an even more robust legislative package aimed at tack…

Six construction outfits working on a solar project in Monterey County were fined more than $240,000 this week for failing to protect their workers from valley fever, an insidious respiratory disease caused by a fungus that grows in the soil throughout the Southwestern United States.

State public health officials suspect cases of valley fever, the insidious respiratory disease endemic to Kern County, have increased so far this year by at least 34 percent statewide 鈥 which could make it the worst year for valley fever in the disease鈥檚 recorded history, according to new da…

Kern County Public Health has seen a 22 percent increase so far this year in the number of serological lab tests performed for valley fever, an indication that cases could top last year鈥檚 figures, which were the worst recorded since the 2011 epidemic.

The California legislature approved a bill Wednesday that would require the state public health department to develop public outreach programs for valley fever, an insidious respiratory disease endemic to Kern County, if signed by the governor.

A federal agency granted $4.8 million to continue developing a vaccine that has shown promising results in preventing valley fever among dogs and could lead to a breakthrough for humans, Dr. John Galgiani, one of the nation鈥檚 leading valley fever researchers, said during a rare visit to Bake…

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Richard Nuwintore was barely three weeks into his sentence at Taft Correctional Institution when he began to cough and experience chest pain. Within a few days, it was obvious something was wrong.

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For seven years, Dr. George Thompson at the University of California, Davis, collected DNA samples from patients for research into valley fever.

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Estimates of the number of valley fever cases recorded by local, state and federal agencies vary so widely that they call into question the accuracy of the figures released to the public, a Center for Health Journalism Collaborative investigation has found.

The peak season for valley fever has always been the fall months before a significant rain fall. As a retired microbiologist from the Kern County Health Department, and having done significant testing for valley fever, I can tell you September and October can see 200 to 400 cases a week.

Faith Herrod wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. The 11-year-old lives in Lemoore with her family, three dogs and three cats. Someday, she鈥檒l get a rabbit, too 鈥 as soon as her mother lets her.

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Against the backdrop of an epidemic in Kern County, The Valley Fever for Americas Foundation is hosting a fundraiser Wednesday to drum up funding for a cure to the debilitating respiratory disease endemic to the region.

When a punishing drought besieged California in the late 1980s, relief came with 30 days of rain in 1991 鈥 dubbed the March Miracle because of how it revived the state鈥檚 agricultural economy.

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On the eve of what could be the worst year for valley fever cases since the so-called Great Epidemic of the early 1990s, national health care leaders announced Thursday the start of a clinical trial to gain more insight into the effectiveness of early treatment.

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Kern County Public Health Services officials are warning residents to be wary of valley fever as they鈥檝e noticed an uptick in the number of reported cases this month.

He was probably best known for his pioneering efforts to develop a vaccine or a cure for the disease known as valley fever. But to family and friends, longtime 优蜜传媒 physician Tom Larwood was something of a Renaissance man who was interested in and fascinated by almost everything. Espe…